Jenspiration provides inspiration, personal training and health coaching services to people who want to look, feel, and be their best in fun and convenient ways. Virtual and face-to-face options available.


I've not picked up a golf club in at least 10 years.....and that probably includes Putt-Putt. :) 

I "played" golf for my high school's varsity team...only because they needed another girl to make the team whole; and my dad had played golf in high school with the coach, so the coach relentlessly recruited me to play. I didn't have anything better to do, so I said OK. Thinking in the back of my mind that maybe I'd like ride the bench, or something...for awhile at least! I definitely didn't expect to be put on the game immediately. I only had a few days of practice before my first match/tournament(?) and, suffice it to say, it was a disaster. It was truly the most challenging thing I've ever participated in mentally and physically. I left the course bawling and humiliated. 

Since then, I've "real golfed" one time. I love mini-golf; but haven't played in ages. So, over Thanksgiving, when my brother in law, who's an avid golfer kept bringing up Top Golf as being something fun to try, I wasn't chomping at the bit to go. He's super hard to shop for, so for Christmas, I knew that he'd enjoy going to Top Golf, and that we'd need something to do for a fun activity, so I got him a gift card. 

Turns out, it was THE most fun I've had in months! Oh my gosh, it was amazing! Granted, I was super sore the next two days. But, those two hours of golfing was such a great workout and full of laughs. I realized that I'm actually better than I thought I would be, and it sparked in me a desire to go out and hit some golf balls. 

What's something that you've not done in a long time (or EVER), that you're willing to try?  Who knows, you might surprise yourself and find (or rekindle) a love, meet new people, and get a great workout!