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Happy Global Running Day!

I LOVE that most days are tied to some #hashtaghholiday to celebrate! Everyday's a day to celebrate; and it's super fun when there are more reasons than you may have thought! Today's celebration is Global Running Day!

Running is an amazing way to clear your head, to get fit (all you need are your shoes) and you're off! There are often two bands of people, those who love to run and those who loathe it! I completely understand. I have a love/loathe relationship with running each year. I'm currently in the LOVE phase! 

Here's a workout that no matter your level of running or wogging (walking + jogging); you can benefit from - both in terms of speed and endurance! A study was done on this type of training (30-20-10 training) and they found that after 7 weeks of doing this type of training 3x a week for 30 minutes, that 5k times shaved down while running overall fewer miles! AND, LDL levels (the type of cholesterol levels you want to be lower) dropped! Double win! 

So, here's how you do a 30-20-10 workout! 

1. Warm up - walk/jog warming up your body for a mile.

2. Kick it up: jog for 30 seconds + run for 20 seconds + sprint for 10 seconds  Repeat x4! (total of 5 minutes)

3. Transition: jog for 2 minutes

4. Repeat: repeat step 2 two to three more times  (after 3 weeks of your training take it up a notch, and try out three or four repeats of step 2)

5. Cool down - walk/jog a mile.

If you're not a runner (or if you want to do this workout on your elliptical, you TOTALLY can!) Just adjust your effort level/mode of activity accordingly. 



Me and my running buddy Gidget (and new kicks) celebrating #globalrunningday :D 

Me and my running buddy Gidget (and new kicks) celebrating #globalrunningday :D