YOU are a Badass!
Every once in a while, we need a kick in the booty to remind ourselves of how awesome we are! Week before last, I was feeling kind of blah after receiving some criticism. I'd been wanting to read "You are a Badass - How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life" by Jen Sincero
Watch below for some of my early take aways and a passage from the book that will help light a fire!!!
CHALLENGE: I invite you to tune in and journal or meditate on what makes you uniquely you.
- What are your talents?
- What are things that you enjoy doing?
- What makes you, YOU?
Take a few deep breaths as you ponder what all the things are that are YOU!. List them! Go on, don't be shy, write 'em down!
Click here to read the full Well-Being newsletter here!
In the issue:
YOU are a Badass
Protect Your Peepers
Sculpt & Sizzle
Jen's Faves
Mind Candy