Happy Monkey Around Day!
I <3 reasons to celebrate! And, today's Monkey Around Day! How fun is that?!
When was the last time that you monkeyed around? Whether it's laughing, spending time with friends and family that you enjoy, or literally hanging around on monkey bars?
Growing up, my dad often told me "Smile, kid. Lighten up." And, I think we all need that reminder every now and then. So, smile, and lighten up a little today!
CHALLENGE: Make like a monkey and have some fun just for the heck of it today! Live it up! Laugh! Be light-hearted! Love! Reply to this message, or tag me in your social media post showing you #monkeyingaround #jenspiration!
Read the full June 13th Well-Being Wednesday newsletter here!
In it, you'll find:
A link to join my tapping into weight loss webinar and the recipe for a delicious choco coco chunky monkey smoothie!