Jenspiration provides inspiration, personal training and health coaching services to people who want to look, feel, and be their best in fun and convenient ways. Virtual and face-to-face options available.

YOU have the Power!

Happy Wednesday wishes to you! Did you know that our minds, emotions, and bodies are inextricably intertwined?

While you may have twisted your ankle while dancing, if it's not healing as quickly as expected, there might be some emotion that's slowing down the healing process. Or, do you have recurring aches and pains and have no clue why or how? Or, do you feel completely unmotivated and stuck?

Our bodies are always communicating with us. We just have to tune in and listen. Acknowledging what our bodies (and minds) are saying is key to our healing power! 

Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" was my first introduction to, and continues to be one of my go-to sources for mind/body healing. And, I often use what I've learned through her personally, and with my clients. 

I love her gentle approach and challenge to think differently. To know with all of your heart and soul that your thoughts create your life. ALL aspects of your life - health, relationships, job, everything! 

Through trying out the affirmations and exercises offered in her book, I was able to boost my life, health, and well-being to another level. In 2009-2010, following a rough period of self-doubt, I decided to make a daily practice of reading from the book...and in the months that followed, 2010 unfolded as one of the most successful and fulfilling times of my life.  

Recently, I had a call with a client and was drawn to reference "You Can Heal Your Life," and as I am writing this post, I recognize that reading it again and making it part of my practice is something that could really benefit me right now. 

What is your body telling you?