Celebrating 9 years of entrepreneurship!
This week marks 9 years that I've been self-employed! And, on this date exactly 9 years ago, I launched my first website for my company, which was then known as Patina Esprit Wellness!
Time has both flown and at the same time feels like it has been nearly a decade.
Becoming an entrepreneur was a HUGE step for me. I launched my business in 2007; but it took me just over a year to take the big step of being self-employed.
There were a lot of factors that came into play. I was afraid to leave the security that my job brought me. I was fearful that by turning in my resignation that I'd disappoint my boss who was like a second dad to me. I was afraid of failing.
During that year that I launched from doing health coaching as a side gig and deciding it was "GO" time, I spent many hours hemming and hawing over how I was going to make it work. Rehearsing in my head and writing drafts of what I was going to tell my boss and how. And, in the end, it just came down to me saying what I was going to do. Yes, it was hard, and scary. But, it was something that my heart told me that I needed to do.
I am so extremely grateful for all of the people that I've been fortunate enough to work with on this journey. From the staff at the IA SBDC who helped me craft my business plan, to my ABWA sisters who helped me grow in my confidence, to all of my clients who have given me the opportunity to work with them on their health and well-being journeys; and most importantly, to my husband, Gary, for believing in me and being my sounding board.
As I started digging in and doing the work, my business has definitely changed over the course of the past 9 years. I thought I would primarily be coaching and personal training. Yet, at least half of my business has been consulting to non-profits. Everyday I get the opportunity to do new things, to challenge my strengths and weaknesses. I know my business will always continue to evolve. And, that's the great thing about being an entrepreneur is that flexibility to define what it is and how I do it.
I've failed and I've learned and I've had to dig deep. Always listening to that little voice within that is anchored in my "why". I adore working with people! I delight in helping others reach their goals, and do the things they didn't believe possible! I enjoy traveling and speaking about health and wellness!
So, cheers to 10 years, 3 different states, 2 business names, and to my mission of helping people become their best, most thriving selves! I. Am. Grateful.